Cb2xc2j - Class in net.sf.cobol2j.examples
Cb2xc2j() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Cb2xc2j
cobolRecordName - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
conversionTable - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
createFieldFormat() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of FieldFormat
createFieldsGroup() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of FieldsGroup
createFieldsList() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of FieldsList
createFileFormat() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of FileFormat
createRecordFormat() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of RecordFormat


Dat2csv - Class in net.sf.cobol2j.examples
Dat2csv() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2csv
Dat2dat - Class in net.sf.cobol2j.examples
Dat2dat() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2dat
Dat2xls - Class in net.sf.cobol2j.examples
Dat2xls() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2xls
Dat2xml - Class in net.sf.cobol2j.examples
Dat2xml() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2xml
dataFileImplementation - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
decimal - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
dependingOn - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
dependingOn - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
distinguishFieldSize - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
distinguishFieldValue - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat


FieldFormat - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
Java class for FieldFormat complex type.
FieldFormat() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
fieldFormatOrFieldsGroup - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsList
FieldParseException - Exception in net.sf.cobol2j
FieldParseException(byte[], FieldFormat, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.cobol2j.FieldParseException
FieldParseException(String, byte[], FieldFormat, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.cobol2j.FieldParseException
FieldsGroup - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
Java class for FieldsGroup complex type.
FieldsGroup() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
FieldsList - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
Java class for FieldsList complex type.
FieldsList() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsList
FileFormat - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
Java class for anonymous complex type.
FileFormat() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
FileFormatException - Exception in net.sf.cobol2j
FileFormatException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormatException
FileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormatException


getCobolRecordName() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
Gets the value of the cobolRecordName property.
getConversionTable() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Gets the value of the conversionTable property.
getDataFileImplementation() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Gets the value of the dataFileImplementation property.
getDecimal() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the decimal property.
getDependingOn() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the dependingOn property.
getDependingOn() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Gets the value of the dependingOn property.
getDistinguishFieldSize() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Gets the value of the distinguishFieldSize property.
getDistinguishFieldValue() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
Gets the value of the distinguishFieldValue property.
getFieldData() - Method in exception net.sf.cobol2j.RecordParseException
getFieldFormat() - Method in exception net.sf.cobol2j.FieldParseException
getFieldFormatOrFieldsGroup() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsList
Gets the value of the fieldFormatOrFieldsGroup property.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Gets the value of the name property.
getNewLineSize() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Gets the value of the newLineSize property.
getNextRecordAsPlainString(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet
Deprecated. Use next() and combine with commas,tabs,etc yourselve.
getOccurs() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the occurs property.
getOccurs() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Gets the value of the occurs property.
getOryginalData() - Method in exception net.sf.cobol2j.FieldParseException
getPartialRecord() - Method in exception net.sf.cobol2j.RecordParseException
getPicture() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the picture property.
getRecordDef() - Method in exception net.sf.cobol2j.RecordParseException
getRecordFormat() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Gets the value of the recordFormat property.
getSize() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the size property.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the type property.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the value property.


hasNext() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet


impliedDecimal - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
isImpliedDecimal() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the impliedDecimal property.
isSigned() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Gets the value of the signed property.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Cb2xc2j
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2csv
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2dat
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2xls
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.cobol2j.examples.Dat2xml


name - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
name - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
net.sf.cobol2j - package net.sf.cobol2j
net.sf.cobol2j.examples - package net.sf.cobol2j.examples
newLineSize - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
next() - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet


ObjectFactory - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the net.sf.cobol2j package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: net.sf.cobol2j
occurs - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
occurs - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup


picture - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat


recordFormat - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
RecordFormat - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
Java class for RecordFormat complex type.
RecordFormat() - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
RecordParseException - Exception in net.sf.cobol2j
RecordParseException(String, List, List, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.cobol2j.RecordParseException
RecordSet - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
RecordSet(InputStream, FileFormat) - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet
RecordsMap - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
RecordsMap(FileFormat) - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordsMap
RecordWriter - Class in net.sf.cobol2j
RecordWriter(OutputStream, FileFormat) - Constructor for class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordWriter


setCobolRecordName(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
Sets the value of the cobolRecordName property.
setConversionTable(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Sets the value of the conversionTable property.
setDataFileImplementation(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Sets the value of the dataFileImplementation property.
setDecimal(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the decimal property.
setDependingOn(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the dependingOn property.
setDependingOn(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Sets the value of the dependingOn property.
setDistinguishFieldSize(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Sets the value of the distinguishFieldSize property.
setDistinguishFieldValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordFormat
Sets the value of the distinguishFieldValue property.
setFileFormat(FileFormat) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet
setImpliedDecimal(Boolean) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the impliedDecimal property.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordSet
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Sets the value of the name property.
setNewLineSize(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FileFormat
Sets the value of the newLineSize property.
setOccurs(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the occurs property.
setOccurs(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldsGroup
Sets the value of the occurs property.
setPicture(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the picture property.
setSigned(Boolean) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the signed property.
setSize(BigInteger) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the size property.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the type property.
setValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
Sets the value of the value property.
signed - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat
size - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat


type - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat


value - Variable in class net.sf.cobol2j.FieldFormat


writeRecord(List) - Method in class net.sf.cobol2j.RecordWriter


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